Motivating, attracting and financing global and local technology providers
Increasing Modern Construction production capacity in the Saudi market
2018 - 2022
2023 - 2030
inhance the competitiveness between methods of construction providers and housing delivery, focusing on the selection of Modern Construction Methods
and increase their productivity capacity.
Raise the capacity of skills of modern and future building suppliers
Reducing construction cost through stimulated Modern Construction and Improving quality of construction
Creating jobs and attracting young Saudi males and females to the construction sector
40% of new houses in KSA built through Modern Methods of
Construction by 2030
Modern Construction strategic objectives
Creating an attractive environment for modern construction methods in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by reinforcing and empowering the concerned authorities
Lower construction costs vs. Traditional
Reduce construction time vs. Traditional
Increase construction quality vs. Traditional
Reduce the gap wthin supply & demand for Modern Construction Methods
Modern Construction strategic priorities
Strengthen MMC production to boost its competitiveness