Modern Method of Construction

Tunnel Formwork

The Tunnel Formwork is a formwork used to pour concrete for ceilings and walls at the same time(they can be different shapes, sizes and modules). They combine the accuracy of off-site with the flexibility and economy of in-situ construction. Tunnel Formwork is effective for use in repetitive cellular construction such as residential blocks, hotels, student accommodation, etc. Formwork units can be made from steel, aluminum, plastic, or fiber glass and are used to construct units. Each unit of molds has different shapes and sizes to form the shape of an apartment unit. Once the forms are positioned, reinforcement is fixed and the concrete is poured and cured. When the concrete achieves sufficient strength the forms are lowered and moved to the next location.

Autoclaved Aerated Concrete
Method Features

We provide the best solutions for your growth

Method Features
  • Accelerates construction relative to traditional construction (due to simultaneous construction)
  • Reduces project life cycle which indirectly reduces overall project cost
  • Minimizes plastering and additional finishing due to smooth surfaces, walls and slabs
  • Reduces labor costs due to nature of production
  • Formwork molds can be used up to 600 times without being damaged
  • Allows for exceptional flexibility in design and layout
  • Enables highly precise production which allows for preordering of doors and windows in advance
  • Allows for smooth surfaces that be easily covered cleaned and painted
  • Enables high degree of standardization which produces carpets, windows and doors can be easily applied
  • Reduces thermal conductivity, which gives higher stability to the structure of the building